Verruca Treatments in Send
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Verrucas are growths on the skin that are caused by a particular strand of the HPV virus.
Now, don't panic! That might sound serious but, in reality, they're often benign, although they can cause discomfort and pain if left unchecked and untreated, as well as being a little unsightly. As your podiatrist in Send, Surrey, I'm adept at carrying out a variety of verruca treatments, including verruca needling. These are not "cures," but they can help your body to help itself. This routine treatment has been in popular use for over four decades, helping your body's immune system to resolve the virus itself, even in the case of long-standing verruca.
I have had good results with the treatment of Verrucas, so I am now also offering Cryotherapy, which is a treatment that involves the freezing of the verruca.